Monday, July 29, 2013


Fitness isn’t new to Jenn.  I was excited that I was going to finally get to work with her after “knowing” her for so long.  I knew she would be one of those easy clients that just needed a little push in the right direction and a little accountability.  She and her husband both signed up with me and were both very successful! I told her that it looks like she got a butt lift! She looks great!  Now if I can get Chris to let me post up HIS pics!!!!

I met Noel many years ago on a fitness forum I was a part of and later I personally met her at a figure competition here in Atlanta, GA.  I have always been a fan of Noel and her work ethic in regards to her own physique, parenting and overall life management. 
   When it came time for me to seek out accountability and direction for my physique goals she seemed a logical choice for me. Not only is she local but she is female and I wanted a female perspective this time around.  She has not let me down in her professional knowledge, care and compassion as I have struggled to lose the added weight I had put on.  It was a little slower than I had planned but Noel was very helpful and encouraging along the way.  I can say that I met my goal and will continue being accountable to myself and my family for our health and well being. 

   I would have to say the best part of working with Noel was my husband working with her as well. I have seen a change in his mentality towards health and fitness and I believe that has been the single best part of the experience. We are now doing health as a family and not just me. I pray that with this new mentality it will be easier for me to meet and exceed my physique and fitness goals. Thanks Noel! 
 If I need accountability, Maximum Fitness will be my “GO TO”. 

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