This is Shelley At her show- Sandra Wickam Classic

After years of fitting in training and sports here and there but without huge commitment, I was in good shape but my figure looked a lot most Mom’s do… a lot more down there than up here and I knew that even with a decent background in weight training and knowledge of sports and nutrition I needed help. A good friend of mine suggested Noel as an on-line trainer for me because of my remote location. At first I really doubted how it could work, a faceless person over email did not sound like it had a lot of potential to me but I looked her up anyways.
To say the least, the woman is stunning! The power, strength, and confidence that she projected in her photos alone were enough to encourage me to reach out. I had honestly never seen a woman that looked like this before in my life, so much muscle, so fit and lean but still so feminine and beautiful. I was mesmerized and wanted a little bit of that for myself.
So after a few introductory emails that explained she was starting her own business I signed on as one of her new clients. Within days Noel’s website was up and running and on it were my new workout and nutrition plans. I was in love with the new workouts immediately, so different, so much easier than what I was doing before and still much more effective. The nutrition plan, well I’ll be honest here was a huge shock. I was very defensive and rebellious in the beginning because I really thought I knew a lot about nutrition and that I was eating just fine. Over time and begrudgingly sticking to the plan I realized that I was wrong. Noel has the winning formula. Yes it takes time effort and adjustment to change your long set habits but it IS SO worth it.
The changes in my body started immediately and kept me going because the rewards were so evident. My weight didn’t fluctuate much at all but I gained plenty of muscle and lost all of my fat while eating 5 times a day. I felt better than I ever have in life and after 6 months of doing exactly what Noel told me to do I had my reward. I was ready for competition. Really ready!
The tools that really counted were all there for me, the support I received from Noel’s forums was incredible, I journaled every day and was always greeted with positive responses, suggestions and support from people all trying to make the same good choices and live a healthy lifestyle. The meal tracking system that Noel uses helped keep me on track because I knew I had to account for every single meal and if I felt like cheating or eating off plan I knew I had to report that and didn’t want to. (still did, of course, many times…. no one’s perfect LOL).
What really cinched the whole thing is that Noel believed in me, right from the start. Even when I questioned her, rebelled against her, cried, complained and tried to quit she would be there for me. She changed my plans when they needed to be changed, she held my hand when it needed holding, kicked my butt when it needed kicking and from the first day that I set my goal, quitting never became an option. I feel like Noel has a pretty amazing gift, she understood me and everything I went through, justified or not, and never made me feel bad or weak for struggling or breaking down. She always told me I am stronger than I think I am. She was right.
My goal had been to get to the Sandra Wickham Fall Classic and feel like I belonged on that stage. What I ended up going home with was so much more valuable than that, the sense of accomplishment I felt for finishing, the sense of pride in my husband and children watching me make it and the fact that I didn’t quit even when I really wanted to are the most amazing feelings I’ve ever experienced. Add that to a 2nd place trophy in Figure Short and a 1st place trophy for Master A figure in my very first competition and you have an experience that cannot be beat.
Will I compete again… probably not but my life, and my family’s lives are forever changed thanks to Noel Clark and I wonder if I will ever be able to give her up. I'm already looking forward to opening my next set of plans.
Shelley Cook
You can see more photos of the competition on my blog
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