Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thanks So much MARNIE!

I would like to take a moment to explain my journey to a wonderful new lifestyle that I created through the guidance of Noel.

Most of my life I was one of those fortunate people who could eat whatever I wanted and never gain a pound. I would try to get into an exercise routine, but within the first few weeks I would quit. I found it very boring and I hated exerting myself.
Well that all changed when I entered my forties. I was warned by many that your metabolism changes and it creeps up on you, and there is nothing you can do about it. Well....it did creep up on me, but, I was about to do something about that!
To be very honest, I have always been skeptical about online training and weight loss programs as I did sign up one time,with an online company, paid monthly and never ever used the program once, as I had to do all the groundwork myself and just keep a daily diary. That was a waste of my time and money.

December 31 2009 I decided enough was enough, and it was time I took charge of my lifestyle. I found Noel through a friend of mine that had Noel help her in her first figure competition. She looked amazing and got 1st and 2nd in her class and category. The results spoke for themselves . I signed up with Noel after a few emails back and forth and was very embarrassed to send her my before photos. I must say that I rarely looked at myself from the back view and I was shocked at my weight gain!! That just gave me more incentive to get going on a program

I set a few goals and Noel set me up with an eating plan and exercise routine. The eating was so straight forward and easy to follow, and the exercise routine did not take too long to figure out. I was well on my way to a new me. My first goal was Hawaii in six weeks. I could not believe how the weight just fell off me in that first month and a half. I had reached my goal I had set for Hawaii and felt awesome! I ended up losing 4 inches off my waist and 15 pounds by my 2nd goal date I had set for the middle of June!!

I cannot thank Noel enough for helping me get back into shape, and learn proper nutrition and eating habits. Without her guidance I never could have achieved the results I did. I would have just ended up quitting again. Noel does all the hard work, and you just follow her advice, and commit yourself to following through.
I have never felt so good in my life. I feel I am in the best shape I ever have been in. I now wear tops that actually show off my waist as opposed to covering up my middle section like I did for far too many years. It does not matter what your age or size is, if you have the determination, Noel has the knowledge to get you where you need to be. I highly recommend anyone that wants to make a huge change in their lifestyle to try Noel, she is the one!!

Thanks Noel, you are truly an amazing person, that I admire so much.

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