Sunday, June 7, 2009

Client Testimonial

Here is a testimonial from a client I have been working with for a while. She has completely transformed her body. Moira has dropped almost 10 inches on her waist and about 8 inches around her hips with a total loss of over 40 inches!!

I've been working with Noel for about a year now. Prior to hiring her, I was at the gym every day, worked hard, did my cardio, weight trained and ate really well- BUT my body never changed. No matter what I did, day in and day out, I looked the same. I trained myself and planned my own nutrition. And to the best of my knowledge I was doing everything right. I made the best food choices as possible and trained the way I knew how.
I felt like I had just reached the end of the road, that I had used up all the tools I had to reach my goals had been unsuccessful. I was extremely frustrated and unhappy with myself. I came to realize that- clearly I was not a fitness or nutrition professional. The moment I realized this was the exact moment that I decided to hire Noel. I had exhausted my own workout and nutrition knowledge. So it just made simple sense to get help from someone who is accredited and far greater educated then myself in this field.

So, why Noel? Noel came highly recommended to me by a friend. There really is no greater vote of confidence then when one friend recommends you (Noel) to another, particularly when there is such physical and emotional success at stake. After working with her for a year now, I would absolutely not hesitate to recommend her to anyone. You can expect a relationship similar to that of a coach and athlete. She maintains a perfect balance of compassion, structure and discipline. My diets have always been catered and tweaked to my preferences, and workouts have been adapted to my needs. The communication is efficient, clear and prompt- I am never without an answer for long!

After losing over 30lbs and countless inches under her guidance, I can honestly say that hiring Noel has been the best fitness decision I have ever made. And all I had to do- was follow exactly what she told me to do!


The Hydrick's said...

Congratulations Noel and Moira! You look fantastic. The changes in your physique are huge. What a great way to see an exercise and nutrition plan coupled with an awesome coach be so successful! All the hard work payed off!!!

Unknown said...

Amazing! Awesome changes, great figure! It is really incredible to see what kind of amazing results can be achieved when you hire the expertise and then FOLLOW the plan. Congratulations to you and to your diet coach (I loved the coach/athlete analogy). Inspiring results!